With increasing modernization, recreation is becoming a more important aspect of daily life in İstanbul.
( Gulhane Park )
The city has a number of public parks, including Yıldız Park and the Gulhane Park at Topkapı, which houses the İstanbul Zoo.
A park developed on the site of the Byzantine Hippodrome displays the remains of the ancient horse-racing venue.
Soccer is a favorite sport among İstanbul residents, with basketball increasing in popularity.
( Bosporous )
A small number of private clubs provides facilities for rowing and swimming in the Bosporus.
( Black Sea )
Swimming in the Bosporus can be dangerous because of the swift current coming from the Black Sea, and many beach resorts no longer allow swimming due to pollution. ( Prince's Island )
The Prince’s Islands in the Sea of Marmara are a favorite vacation spot for İstanbul residents.
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