Sunday, July 6, 2008


What are Chakars ?
If you are just learning about therapy the chakara system may seem a bit strange at first, we have to remember that many wonderful therapy treatments have come to us from far eastern sources so we have to try and understand some of the culture behind the treatments (Crystal Healing uses the chakra system).

One of these concepts is the human energy fields or as you may know it the aura, it is often thought of as a rainbow of hazy colour surrounding the body (Aura).

The energy centers of the body which are essential to our well being are called Chakras, the word is actually Hindu and means wheel of energy, there are 7 major chakra points in the body, and they channel spiritual energy and emotions throughout our bodies, each link is also associated with a specific body organ.

The energy pattern around each centre is a definite colour corresponding to its basic frequency. This colour indicates how well the life force is flowing around our body.

When Chakras are normal they will be a perfect colour but when they are out of balance or blocked this may indicate illness and the colour will be mottled or murky. For example if you have suffered an emotional upset the heart chakra will be affected and shut down.

How Chakars Work
Colour is a form of light, an energy vibration. Every living thing or object comprises of energy.

Modern physics has accepted that solid objects are made of energy that simply vibrates at a different "heavier" frequency. Sunlight consists of the entire electromagnetic spectrum.

Sir Isaac Newton discovered how a beam of light could be split into colours using a prism.
Sir Isaac Newton discovered ordinary white light had seven colours, Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red, Colours of the rainbowIncluded in the electromagnetic spectrum are cosmic rays, gamma rays, x-rays, ultra violet, short-wave infrared, infrared, radio waves, and electric waves.

It's believed colour vibrates at a higher frequency than sound, and therefore, has a stronger effect on the human body, setting off more powerful chemical reactions.

As colour enters the brain, it stimulates the pineal / pituitary glands, which release hormonal substances that affect our body.

Every body part, cell, organ, tissue and endocrine gland vibrates to a certain frequency - every individual has a certain 'Normal' frequency. 'Disharmony ' and 'Illness'- is created when for some reason the normal frequency is unbalanced.

How Colours Bring Harmony to the Body
Individual colours vibrate at there own frequency. We need a balance of all colours in order to maintain health on al levels Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual. These vibrations can adjust certain disorders because they normalize the Etheric Body.

The Human Energy Field known as the 'Aura' consists of three layers.
The Etheric Body
The Astral Body
The Mental Body.

Within this energy field is the Chakara System.
The word Chakara is an old Sanskrit term meaning 'Wheel'. Each Chakara is believed by Indians to resemble the petals of a lotus flower. Each Chakara pulsates and moves taking in energy from light.And each resonates at different frequencies.

This energy, which moves through all seven Chakaras, can become blocked or disturbed because of emotional upset or extreme stress. The body becomes unhealthy when this energy is not balanced or corrected, allowing toxins to accumulate, in time physical illness can follow.

Chakara Re-Balancing through the use of Colour and Sound
The seven colours relate to a Chakara, an Endocrine Gland, a Music note an Element, and a Sense.By reading, learning and understanding, you can do simple things to rebalance your Chakaras, and bring balance back into your being. When there is a dysfunction or blockage in one part of the system, it has an impact on all the other parts.

Base Chakara 1st
- Endocrine gland/body part...Adrenal glands/lower pelvic area.
- Survival,self preservation, courage, stability, physical health.
- It balances passion and sex drive, bringing love and compassion.

Sacral Chakara 2nd
- Endocrine gland/body part...ovaries, testis, bladder, womb, and genitals.
- The feelings and emotions centre, sexual desire, harmony and tolerance.
- Great for the digestive system.
- Inspires you to be brave, helps to acknowledge emotions, very good for grounding.

Solar Plexus Chakara 3rd
- Endocrine/body part...pancreas, stomach, spleen, liver.
- Personal power base, will power, confidence, self respect.
- Great for raising self-esteem.
- Warmth, energy.

Heart Chakara 4th
- Endocrine gland/body part...Thymus, lower lungs, heart.
- Our love centre, controls relationships & feelings. Compassion, forgiveness, gentleness and acceptance. Balancing and encourages well being

Throat Chakara 5th
- Endocrine gland /body part Thyroid-upper lungs, throat, mouth.
- Communication centre, self-expression, the spoken word of truth.
- Calming, peaceful, disperses anger.

Brow Chakara 6th
- Endocrine gland/body part... Pituitary gland.
- Clarity and truth.
- Calms and clears the mind.
- Strengthens metabolism.

Crown Chakara 7th
- Endocrine/body part...Pineal gland.
- The spiritual centre that helps develop our artistic side and love of life.
- A powerful aid to enhance spiritual development.
- It cuts through illusions and inspires healing and divine love.