Full Name: Darren Stanley Hayes (the Stanley comes from his Greatgrandfather)
Childhood Nickname : Doze or Dozer (apparently because Darrens dad thought he looked like a bulldozer)
Date of Birth : 8 May 1972
Place of Birth : Brisbane (Logan City)
Australia Starsign : Taurus
Siblings : An older brother (Peter) and sister (Tracy)
Parents : Robert and June Hayes
His father, Robert, is a merchant seaman and his mother, Judy, is a nurse.
Height : 5' 10"
Hair : Currently highlighted naturally dirty blonde (as described by Darren) has also been black (inspired by Bono)
Eye Colour : Blue
Shoe Size : 8.5-9
Schools : Mabel Park Infants and High school
(Attended the University of Queensland)
Current Home : London
Home Town : Logan City

Favourite Author : Anne Rice
First Car : Mazda 808
Favourite Savage Garden Song : I'll Bet He Was Cool
Interests : Movies, shopping, surfing the net
What superpower would you have? : Flying
Who would you Duet with? : Stevie Nicks, Annie Lennox, Beyonce Knowles (Destiny's Child), Michael Jackson
Favourite Subject at School : Art or English
Weirdest Thing Ever Asked to Sign : A breast
Favourite Cartoon Character : Scooby Doo
Favourite Charity : Starlight Foundation
Piercings or Tattoos : None
Favourite Movies : Steel Magnolias, Beaches, Star Wars, Et, Austin Powers
Favourite Artists : Prince, The Smiths, Fleetwood Mac, Marvin Gaye, Diana Ross, Duran Duran, Michael Jackson, Madonna, U2, Eurythmics, Annie Lennox, Dido, Sarah Mclachlan
Fave Foods : Starbucks Coffee, Skim Milk, Yogurt and Baskin Robbins Peanut Butter and Chocolate Ice cream.
Usually healthy, low fat, simple and good. Darren loves breakfast more than anything in the world. Oatmeal with fresh berries and yogurt with a fruit smoothie pretty much makes his day.
Favourite Room : The kitchen, its the heart and soul.
If you could be an Animal...for just one day...any animal...what would it be? : A Mogwai (n.b from Maggz..if you've seen the movie Gremlins you will know that Gizmo is a Mogwai)
What angers you the most? : Lazy waiters. store attendants..rudeness.
What is one thing you don't have that you want? : Babies
Darren Stanley Hayes pursued drama and music in high school (Mabel Park State High School in Brisbane, Australia), but turned down the opportunity to pursue post-secondary drama school due to the fact his girlfriend at the time was not accepted into the programme.
He went on to attend University of Queensland in Australia - first studying journalism, and then switching to education.
Married To Wife Colby Hayes (Taylor) but later dicorced.

After answering an ad placed by Daniel Jones in a local newspaper for a singer, Darren & Daniel began what later became their record breaking career as pop duo "Savage Garden".
Following the break up of Savage Garden, Darren went on to create two solo albums "Spin" (2002 Sony) and "The Tension and The Spark" (2004 Sony) - which included singles such as "Insatiable", Strange Relationship", "Crush (1980 Me)", and "Popular".
In November 2005 Sony Music released the much anticipated Savage Garden greatest hits album "Truly Madly Completely" which contains all the well know Savage Garden hits as well as some rare b-sides.
Darren, who spent 7 years in San Fransico, now resides in London, England where he has recorded his third solo album which was released in early 2006.
(June 2004) : Filmed the music video for his single "POPular" in London, England guerrilla style in locations such as the London Undergound, Madam Tussauds and Oxford Street. His second solo album, The Tension and the Spark, was released in September 2004.
(September 2005) : Filmed the new video for single "So Beautiful" in California. "So Beautiful" was released in October 2005 and features on the new Savage Garden greatest hits collection "Truly Madly Completely"
(May 2007) : Went to Los Angeles to film the music video for his first single "On the Verge of Something Wonderful" off the upcoming album "This Delicate Thing We've Made." The double album will be released worldwide on August 20, 2007 on his own independent record label, Powdered Sugar.
Deferred his university studies in Teaching at the University of Queensland to pursue music.
Enjoys reading, especially Ann Rice's vampire novels (which is where the name "Savage Garden" came from).
Collects Star Wars memorabilia.
Worked as an early education teacher while waiting for Savage Garden's first album to be released.
Was a vegetarian for 7 years, but currently eats meat.
Leonie Messer was his personal assistant during the "Affirmation" promo & tour. She later went on to be his manager. Sharon Millington replaced Leonie as PA and personal trainer.
With Darren she did boxing, weight training, circuit and yoga. Darren does yoga each day while on tour and prior to shows. Lana Penrose is Darren's current PA.
Is currently managed by Leonie Messer & Wendy Laister. Leonie started out as the publicist for Savage Garden, went on to be Darren & Daniel's PA, and when Darren went solo, became his manager. She joined forces with Wendy after the birth of her child in July 2003.
Registered his civil partnership with Richard Cullen on 19 June 2006, in the UK.
~ Personal Quotes ~
"I would let my child do whatever made their heart sing" - Darren Hayes when asked about what he would like any children of his to do.
You know... I wanted to look like a man" --Darren Hayes on why he cut his hair.
"When I was 10 I used to walk around shopping centres and go, "Oh, they've recognised me!" And I would think, "hold on, who am I? I'm nobody famous yet!" - Darren Hayes on 60 Minutes
"That's what got me into exercise and training my body and my voice. I looked at Madonna as this G.I. Jane superstar. I used to go jogging around my neighborhood at midnight sometimes and I'd be thinking, it'll all be worth it one day." - Darren Hayes on Madonna's Truth Or Dare.
"Ohhh! Hours and hours." - Darren Hayes on how long he spends in front of the mirror each morning.
"And I always think this could end just as quickly as it began ... I could be pumping gas tomorrow." - Darren Hayes on fame.
"I was a completely normal kid, the school nerd. In Year 8 and 9 I got picked on. I was a freak- no one understood me. I was the kid who wanted to be abducted by ET. Then all the losers left in Year 10. But I was quite good at school, and very artistic. In Year 11 it turned around. I became one of the coolest kids in school. I was in school musicals- the kid who could sing. It was bizzare. I loved school. It's an amazing little world. The rules inside the school are different from the outside world." - Darren Hayes on what he was like in high school.
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